

Dual vocational training (VET) is a vocational training modality in which the student combines training in the educational centre with activity in the company.

Erasmus +

Erasmus+ is the EU programme for Education, Learning, Youth and Sport.


It is a programme aimed at students of both intermediate and higher vocational training courses (EQF4 and EQF5) that provides the opportunity to carry out work placements in European companies.


The UNIC Project is the final project of the degree in which learners work in teams made up of students from all higher vocational training degrees from Institut Jaume Mimó (Administration and Finance, International Trade, Metal Constructions, Marketing and Advertising and Transport and Logistics).

Its objective is to train students in cooperative work between students from the different professional degrees, culminating in the integration of the knowledge and skills acquired, globalising, interrelating and completing them.

MIMO empren

Mimó Emprèn is an exciting project that aims to stimulate the entrepreneurial skills of students in vocational training. Through various activities, training and support, participants have the opportunity to learn and grow in the field of entrepreneurship.


This initiative promotes innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, giving young people the necessary skills and confidence to face the challenges of the business world successfully.

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